We offer visitors the opportunity to dine with patients they may be visiting. The selection of meals is from the same menu that our patients enjoy. Meals can be ordered and paid for through our reception. Orders need to be placed by 10.30am and 3.30pm. Please speak with Reception to find out more details and costs associated to this service.
You can visit Coffeelab at Ramsay which is located in the specialist centre on campus. They offer a wide range of meals, sandwiches, gourmet cakes and drinks. Opening hours are between 7.00am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively drinks and light snacks can be accessed from vending machines within the hospital.
If you wish to bring in food to someone you are visiting, we ask you to first speak to the nursing staff. Some patients may be on modified textured foods or thickened fluids others may be require special nutritional requirements.